CB Title GroupCB Title Group
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(973) 921-0990

NY Title Industry News and Updates – January 2022

Current Developments is a seasonal newsletter provided by First American Title Insurance Company to its agents, covering the latest developments in the state of New York. We would like to share this information with you, so that you can better serve your clients.

Some of the topics covered in this newsletter include:

  • Adjoining Owners/Condominium Units
  • Adverse Possession
  • Contracts of Sale/Administrators
  • Contracts of Sale/Default
  • Contracts of Sale/Tortious Interface
  • Deeds/Mortgage Rescue Scheme
  • Easements by Implication
  • Easements/RPAPL Section 1951
  • Electronic Notarization
  • Mortgage Foreclosures/Default
  • Mortgage Foreclosures/Erroneous Satisfaction
  • Mortgage Foreclosures/Interest on Judgment
  • Mortgage Foreclosures/Necessary Parties
  • Mortgage Foreclosures/Notices – RPAPL Section 1304
  • Mortgage Foreclosures/Referee’s Report
  • Mortgage Foreclosures/Standing
  • Mortgage Foreclosures/Subordinate Interests
  • Mortgages/Capitalized Interest
  • Pandemic/”CEEFPA”
  • Pandemic/Leaseholds
  • Partition
  • Rye, Westchester County/Sewer Laterals
  • Uniform Commercial Code/Mezzanine Loans

To view the newsletter, click here. As always, if you have any questions about Title Insurance or if there is anything else we can do to assist you, please contact us at (212) 239-8789.