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GIT/REP Forms Update Alert

Please be advised that the following GIT/REP forms have been updated over the course of 2021: 

GIT/REP-1: Nonresident Seller’s Tax Declaration [revised October 2021] 

GIT/REP-2: Nonresident Seller’s Tax Prepayment Receipt [revised October 2021] 

GIT/REP-3: Seller’s Residency Certification/Exemption [revised February 2021] 

GIT/REP-4: Waiver of Seller’s Filing Requirement of GIT/REP Forms and Payment [revised August 2021] 

The GIT/REP-4A form has not been updated.

Please be sure you are using and circulating up-to-date versions of all Non-Resident Income Tax forms. The forms are posted on the Division of Taxation’s website: 


The revised version of each form is also provided with this memo. Please be reminded that it is important that the most current version of any required State form always be used.